How many times is it asked during a Zoom or Teams meeting, presentation or training session, if this event will be available online?  Answer: Nearly every time.
Zoom and Teams have been adopted universally as a way to disseminate information.  Zoom and Teams offer those with paid subscriptions the options to record.  When you press record, you record everything, including the participants not on mute, those who proceed to tap at their keyboards working on something else, or someone else's dog barking in the background and of course their's the participant/s who can't get their mic or camera to work.
Once you iron out all the technical problems up front, you can start your session.  Following the session you can then send to us the download link or the presentation file via web transfer.  We will edit all those awkward moments out, add your branding at the beginning and end and replace any slides that may look too blurry or pixelated, replace slides due to typo's or out of date information.  We will output a corrected version for you to make available to your public.